Monday, 20 July 2009

Freeman Darren Pollard is re-arrested

Darren Pollard attended court this morning 20 July 2009, in relation to the matter of alleged breach of the peace on 11th July 2009.

When the clerk called "Mr Pollard", Darren told her that he was not Mr Pollard (legal fiction), but that his name was Darren (a human being) and that he was attending in relation to the matter indicated on their written 'invitation'.

The hearing was set for 10:30am in Court 11 where Darren had served the judge with papers, but the courts changed the court room and judge to Court 7 (with an enclosed dock), canceling out the served judge.

Darren told the court that he was not accepting these new terms and that he certainly would not be entering an enclosed pen. He told the clerk that they had 1hr to sort out this human rights violation and that he would be awaiting their response outside their place of business.

The video explains the rest, but I might add that Darren has since been refused bail and remanded in custody to Winston Green prison.

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Free Speech is is "illegal"

A woman speaks her mind outside Downing Street, she is arrested for speaking the truth.The Police ignore concerns from bystanders.

The video maker whose conduct is perfectly reasonable is arrested for "using a megaphone in a restricted area".

This is our so called "FREE" Country

Sunday, 12 July 2009

Darren Pollard Unlawfully arrested

Birmingham Street Action 11th July 2009. Darren Pollard Unlawfully arrested for "breach of the peace".

Today We Are Change Brum tried to speak truth to the powers that be, but during filming Darren was unlawfully arrested for use of a bullhorn/megaphone.